IHO Geospatial Information Registry


[Listed Value] Dictionary Details
Domain IHO Hydro
Name Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000
CamelCase balticSeaChartDatum2000
Item Identifier 1213
Definition The datum refers to each Baltic country's realization of the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) with land-uplift epoch 2000, which is connected to the Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP).
Data type Enumerated value
Associated Attribute
Attribute type Name
Enumerated type Vertical Datum
Reference Source Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission
Similarity to Source Identical : The style of the definition has been changed to match the style and structure of other specifications in the register that has imported the specification.
Management Details
Proposal Type Addition Submitting Org IHO Secretariat
Successor -- Date Proposed 2020-04-21
Predecessor -- Date Accepted 2020-04-21
Proposed Change Add new enumerate value.
Justification Initial population of Data Dictionary Register.