IHO Geospatial Information Registry


Product Information
Product ID S-102
Title Bathymetric Surface
Scope Global
Related links http://www.iho.int
Abstract The Bathymetric Surface Data Product consists of a set of grid value matrix values organized to form a quadrilateral grid coverage with associated metadata representing a bathymetric depth model for an area of the sea, river, lake or other navigable water. The data set includes both depth estimate values and uncertainty estimates associated with the depth values. In addition a discrete point set called a "tracking list" allows a hydrographer to override any particular grid matrix value to deliberately bias the data for safety of navigation. That is, the data set can carry both measured depth information that may be used for scientific purposes as well as corrected depth information that may be used for navigation.
Owner IHO
Domain IHO Hydro
Responsible body IHO S-100 Working Group (S-102PT)

Version Information
Version Published
Uploader:Jeff Wootton/ S-102_EN_Bathymetric Surface Product Specification_Ed2.0.0.pdf
Version Date 2019-10-25
S-100 Version 4.0.0
Feature Catalogue
Uploader:Jeff Wootton/ S-102FC_2.0.0.xml
Portrayal Catalogue